Lorynn Teela

44 Chapter 2 Supplement 1 – (continued) Ovid Embase Classic+Embase <1947 to 2021 February 15> Search date: 17 February 2021 # Searches Results 1 (*hospitalized adolescent/ or *hospitalized child/) and *patient participation/ 8 2 (*hospitalized adolescent/ or *hospitalized child/) and (participat* or voice or feedback or feeling? or whish* or view? or perspective? or involv* or opinion or engagement).ab,kw,ti. 317 3 (youngster or pubert* or pubescent or prepubescent or school or schools or schoolkid* or schoolchild* or highschool* or kid or kids or underage* or youth? or boy or boys or girl? or sibbling* or child or children or “children’s” or schoolchild* or adolescents or adolescence or juvenile or minors or teen or teens or teenager* or p?ediatric? or adolescent? or adolescence). ab,kw,ti. and *patient participation/ 833 4 or/1-3 1145 5 ((youngster or pubert* or pubescent or prepubescent or school or schools or schoolkid* or schoolchild* or highschool* or kid or kids or underage* or youth? or boy or boys or girl? or sibbling* or child or children or “children’s” or schoolchild* or adolescents or adolescence or juvenile or minors or teen or teens or teenager* or p?ediatric? or adolescent? or adolescence) adj4 (participation or voice or feedback or feeling? or whish* or view? or perspective? or involv* or opinion)).ab,kw,ti. 58773 6 exp *hospital/ or *hospitalization/ or *university hospital/ or exp *”hospital subdivisions and components”/ or exp *nursing research/ 375014 7 (hospital* or multihospital or multicent* or multi cent* or clinical decision making or health care setting? or nursing research or (clinical adj2 practice) or (p?ediatric adj2 care)).ab,kw,ti. 2711622 8 (participat* or voice or feedback or feeling? or whish* or view? or perspective? or involv* or opinion or engagement).ab,kw,ti. or *patient participation/ 4896091 9 5 and (6 or 7) and 8 9118 10 (Lecture or Medical sudent or director or Dean or Educator or Adult service or Curriculum or Profession or Philosophy or mental health problem or Mental illness or Child psychiatry or Colleague or Psychiatry or psychiatrist or adolescent psychiatry or Art or Health promotion or Court or Labor or Breast cancer or child Birth or Mental disorder or Student or National institute or Abortion or Public Health or Gynecologist or pregnant wom* or first month).ab,ti. [VOS red irrelevant terms] 1657004 11 (New born or Autism or Psychosis).ab,ti. [VOS green irrelevant terms] 129949 12 (Psychiatric hospitalization or Smoking or Schizophrenia or Psychopathology).ab,ti. [VOS blue irrelevant terms] 535521 13 (Terrain vehicle or atv or Motor vehicle collision or alcohol or substance or substance abuse or suicide or Suicide attempt or Abuse or Abused Child or Child abuse or “Substance use” or Street or rural area or City or Mechanism or Cent or product or Juvenile justice system).ab,ti. [VOS yellow irrelevant terms] 2988625 14 Breastfeeding.ab,ti. [VOS pink irrelevant terms] 34172 15 or/10-14 4983444 16 4 not 15 973 17 9 not 15 7041 18 16 or 17 7879 19 limit 18 to medline 1833 20 18 not 19 6046