Lorynn Teela

84 Chapter 3 Table 3. Overview of the feedback of adolescents and the adjustments that were made to the game (step 2 & 3) Step 2: evaluating draft version Step 3: pilot workshop Points of improvement* • Images on the playing cards • It is not always clear which situation is depicted in the images • The images are too much about the same situations • Explanation • The explanation of the game is not clear enough Changes • We changed the images on the playing cards so that the depicted situations are easier to interpret and are more in line with the perceptions of adolescents • We have rewritten the explanation of the game Points of improvement • Images on the playing cards • Not all images apply to every subject Changes • We agree with the adolescents that the images and themes are not relevant for every question. Therefore, we added instructions to the game manual about omitting irrelevant themes Tips for improvement* • Images on the playing cards • Add keywords to the playing cards about the depicted situation or theme • Game design • Increase the tension during the game by pressing the bell with 3 equal cards instead of 5 • Create an online version of the game • Lay-out • Develop an overview card of the themes Changes • We did not add keywords to the playing cards as we believed that this would hinder adolescents from associating freely • We changed the rules of the game (i.e. the bell may be pressed when there are 3 cards of the same colour on the table). For financial reason, we did not develop an online version of the game • We developed an overview card of the themes and improved the lay-out of the pilot version Tips for improvement • Images on the playing cards • A keyword on the playing cards would be helpful • Lay-out • The colours of the cards can be brighter Changes • We added the name of the theme to every playing card. We did not add keywords about the depicted situation, because we believed that this would hinder free association • We changed the colours of the cards and tried to use brighter colours