Lorynn Teela

86 Chapter 3 Finally, we changed the colours (brighter colours) of the themes and cards and after that a final version of the engagement game, called All Voices Count, was ready (Box 1). To support clinicians with the use of All Voices count, we developed a game manual, a website (www.allestemmentellen.nl), and a training. Box 1. Game rules All Voices Count All Voices Count All Voices Count is a patient engagement game that helps clinicians to engage adolescents (12-18 years) with a chronic condition in their hospital care, research or policy. The game is played at the initiative of a clinician and before the meeting of All Voices Count the clinician prepares a 2-4 min video pitch, in which the question on which the clinician would like to hear the opinion of adolescents is presented to the participants. This question is the central topic of the meeting. Examples of questions: • What do you think of this new treatment? • What does it mean for you to have a coagulation disease and how can we help you? All Voices Count is accompanied by a game leader. The clinician (of the adolescent) is not present during the meeting to avoid that adolescents are being inhibited in expressing their opinion. The course of the game The game starts with a short introduction in which the participants get te know each other and watch the pitch of the clinician. Then, the game starts: 1. In turns, players turn over the top card of their deck and place it face upwards anywhere on the game board. Each subsequent card is placed anywhere on the game board, so that all card played remains visible for every player. 2. When three cards of the same colour (same theme) are visible on the game board, every player may press the bell. The player who presses the bell first wins all the cards of the same colour (same theme) that are visible on the game board. 3. The player who wins the cards may give his or her opinion first on the question posed by the clinician, regarding to the theme of the cards won. To get ideas, the player may look at the pictures on the cards won or the words belonging to the theme on the game board. All other players are allowed to react and give their own opinion. 4. When the players are done talking about the cards won, a new round starts. The game ends when all cards have been played or if the fixed play time has elapsed. The player with the most cards won is the winner of the game. Additional remarks • All Voices Count can be played with 3-6 adolescents. • The game leader plays an important role in steering the meeting (e.g., to make sure that the question of the clinicians remains the central topic and that all participants get the opportunity to express their opinion) and to help the participants with expressing their opinion whenever they are struggling with this. The game leader does not express his or her own opinion. • Not all themes are relevant for every question. The game leader may decide to remove irrelevant themes. All Voices Count can be played with a minimum of five themes.