Lorynn Teela

99 Clinicians’ perspective on PROM implementation For example, PROMs are now available in multiple languages and KLIK has become an adaptable system to meet many individual wishes of the multidisciplinary teams [11]. However, little is known about barriers at the level of both clinicians and patients/ parents. More insight is needed to fully understand the experienced barriers and to be able to optimize the KLIK PROM portal with regard to the wishes and needs of the user. Therefore, the aim of this study is to get more systematic insight into the experiences with KLIK from a clinician’s perspective. Methods KLIK implementation process KLIK can be implemented for every multidisciplinary team (e.g., diabetes, dermatology) in health care [12]. The implementation process starts at request of a multidisciplinary team and is guided by the KLIK expert team (consisting of researchers with expertise in the field of PROMs and HRQOL research) of the Emma Children’s Hospital Amsterdam UMC through the following phases (Figure 2): 1. The KLIK expert team has an exploratory meeting with the clinicians of the multidisciplinary team to get an impression of the patient group and the Patient Reported Outcomes (PROs) they would like to discuss in the consultation room. 2. The KLIK expert team gives advice about reliable, sensitive and valid PROMs to measure the desired PROs. Whenever possible, PROMs with high reliability for specific populations and settings are selected to be able to use them on an individual level. However, sometimes the psychometric properties are not sufficient or unknown for the specific population, but no alternatives are available (e.g., in pediatrics, or in rare diseases). 3. The KLIK website is set up according to the wishes and workflow of the multidisciplinary team (e.g., frequency of completing PROMs, which reminder e-mails should be sent etc.). At this moment, over 300 PROMs have been built into the KLIK PROM portal. PROMs are offered to patients depending on age and patient group. Each member of the multidisciplinary team sees feedback of their preferred outcome measure set in a personal KLIK ePROfile. 4. Prior to the start of the implementation, all clinicians are trained in the use of KLIK in the consultation room. The 1.5 h training consists of a theoretical and a practical part. In the theoretical part, attention is paid to the definition of PROs and PROMs, the importance of discussing PROMs in the consultation room, and the use of the 4