Lorynn Teela

Chapter 1 General introduction 6
Chapter 2 Pediatric patient engagement in clinical care, research and intervention development: a scoping review 22
Chapter 3 Including the voice of paediatric patients: Cocreation of an engagement game 72
Chapter 4 Clinicians’ perspective on the implemented KLIK PROM portal in clinical practice 94
Chapter 5 Patients’ and parents’ perspective on the implementation of Patient Reported Outcome Measures in pediatric clinical practice using the KLIK PROM portal 122
Chapter 6 Implementation of the KLIK PROM portal using the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR) retrospectively 150
Chapter 7 Psychometrics of the patient-reported outcomes measurement information system measures in hemophilia; the applicability of the pediatric item banks 176
Chapter 8 Use of Patient-Reported Experience Measures in pediatric care: a systematic review 200
Chapter 9 Discussion 254
Addendum 283
Summary 284
Summary in Dutch – Nederlandse samenvatting 288
List of publications 294
List of contributing authors 297
Authors’ contributions per chapter 301
Financial support 303
PhD portfolio 304
Curriculum Vitae 308