Marga Hoogendoorn

167 PORTFOL I O PhD candidate: Marga E. Hoogendoorn Period: October 2016 – December 2021 Promotor: Prof. dr. Nicolette F. Keizer Co-promotores: Dr. Jasper Haringman Dr. Jan Jaap Spijkstra ECTS = European Credit Transfer System; 1 ECTS = 28 hours Year ECTS PhD-training Scientific writing 2017 1.5 Clinical Epidemiology: Systematic Review 2017 0.7 Clinical Epidemiology: Evaluation of Medical tests 2019 0.9 eBrok course 2019 1.0 Computing in R 2020 0.4 Other courses Projectmanagement 2017 1.0 Guideline Development 2018 1.0 Effective leadership 2021 1.5 Oral presentations Update NAS in the Netherlands (Digital event Quebec, Canada) 2016 0.5 Projectmanagement, how does it work? (Zwolle, the Netherlands) 2016 0.5 Nursing workload on the ICU (Utrecht, the Netherlands) 2017 0.5 What can NICE mean for nurses? (Utrecht, the Netherlands) 2017 0.5 NICE for nurses (Nieuwegein, the Netherlands) 2017 0.5 Update of NAS in the Netherlands (Digital event, Brazil) 2018 0.5 Nursing workload in management (Utrecht, the Netherlands) 2018 0.5 Nursing workload measurements (Nieuwegein, the Netherlands) 2018 0.5 Network of nursing research (Zwolle, the Netherlands) 2018 0.5 Nursing workload on the ICU (Utrecht, the Netherlands) 2019 0.5 Workload measurement on the ICU (Nieuwegein, the Netherlands) 2019 0.5 Nursing capacity: what do you need in planning? (ESICM Live) 2020 0.5 Nursing capacity registration (Nieuwegein, the Netherlands) 2021 0.5