Marga Hoogendoorn

169 Year Other activities Research Program Nursing workload quantification on the ICU – AMC, Amsterdam, the Netherlands 2016 - present Participation International Research Group Theme: Nursing Activities Score and measuring workload on the ICU – Universidade de Sao Paolo, Department of nursing 2009 - present Member of the board of NICE (National Intensive Care Evaluation) 2014 - present Member of the board of V&VN-IC (Dutch society of ICU nurses) 2014 - 2019 Member of the Innovation and research council Isala, Zwolle, the Netherlands 2019 - present Co-creation sessions ‘ICU-networks in the Netherlands’ (Zorginstituut Nederland) 2019 - 2020 Sepsis Guideline Working group 2019 - 2021 Taskforce ICU formation NVIC (Dutch Association of Intensive Care) 2020 - present Earned grants EffCNa Research Award – “Quantification of nursing workload on the ICU” 2018 Care Innovation Voucher Isala – “Improving delirium care with objective monitoring” 2018 Care Innovation Voucher Isala - “Ketamine-treatment at home” 2020