Marga Hoogendoorn

38 Table 3. Continued Scoring system Quantification need for nursing time Validation method Results validation NCR-11 Category A: 10-15 = 6h nursing care/shift Category B: 16-23 points = 12h nursing care/shift Category C: 24-30 points = 16h nursing care/shift Compared with actual or planned nursing staff 23 Nursing intensity according NCR- 11 higher than actual staffing 23 Acuity tool Category I: Minimal care = 4 hours care Category II: Intermediate care = 6 hours care Category III: Modified Intensive care = 10 hours care Category IV: Intensive Care = 14 hours care Category V: Life support = 24 hours care Compared with actual or planned nursing staff 30 Underestimation of 0.65 registered nurse per shift according acuity tool 30 CCPD Category A: < 10 points = < 8 nursing hours Category B: 11-15 points = 8 nursing hours Category C: 16-21 points = >8 < 16 nursing hours Category D: ≤ 22 points = ≥ 16 hours nursing time Not described TISS-28 1 Nurse= 46 TISS points, 1 point = 10.6 minutes Class I: 1-14 points – Nurse:Patient-ratio = 1:4 Class II: 14–24 points - Nurse:Patient-ratio = 1:2 Class III: 25–34 points -Nurse:Patient-ratio = 1:1+1(cat 2) Class IV: > 35 points – Nurse:Patient-ratio = 1:1 Compared with actual nursing staff 57 Compared with other system; NEMS, NAS 65 Nurse:Patient-ratio TISS-28 (0.8:1) < actual staff (1.2:1) 57 Nursing staff according TISS- 28 higher than with NEMS but lower than with NAS 65 CritScore Class I: < 10 points – Nurse:Patient-ratio = 1:4 Class II: 10-19 points – Nurse:Patient-ratio = 1:2 Class III: 20-39 points – Nurse:Patient-ratio = 1:1 Class IV: ≥ 40 points – Nurse:Patient-ratio = 1:2 Compared with actual or planning nursing staff 83 Actual number of nurses consequently lower than specified by CritScore 83 NEMS Level 1 = NEMS < 21 = Nurse:Patient-ratio 1:4 Level 2 = NEMS 21-30 = Nurse:Patient-ratio 1:2.5 Level 3 = NEMS > 30 = Nurse:Patient-ratio 1:1 Compared with actual nursing staff 57, 60, 65 Compared with other system; TISS 48, 57 Nurse:Patient-ratio with NEMS (0,8:1) < actual staff (1.2:1) 57, 65 , Nurse:Patient- ratio with NEMS > planned staff 60 , Mismatch in 76% of the ICUs, Good agreement between Nurse:Patient- ratio TISS and NEMS 48, 57