Marga Hoogendoorn

39 Table 3. Continued Scoring system Quantification need for nursing time Validation method Results validation ICNSS Class I = 16 – 22 points = Nurse:Patient-ratio 1:2 Class II = 23-32 points = Nurse:Patient-ratio 1:1 Class III = 33 – 40 points = Nurse:Patient-ratio 3:2 Class IV = > 40 points = Nurse:Patient-ratio 2:1 Compared with actual nursing staff 84 Compared with other system; TISS 68 Need for nurses higher than actual staff. Nurses satisfied ICNSS 84 . Nurse:Patient-ratio with TISS 1:1–1:2, with ICNSS 1.5:1–2:1 68 Perroca’s instrument 9-12 points: minimum care 13-18 points: intermediate care 19-24 points: semi-intensive care 25-36 points: intensive care = 17.9 hours care/24h Not described NAS 100 NAS points = 1 FTE Nursing time 1 NAS point = 4.8 min/shift or 14.4 minutes/24h Compared with actual nursing staff 57, 65 Compared with other system; TISS, NEMS 65 Need for nurses with NAS (1:1) < actual staff (1.2:1) 57, 65 Nursing staff according NAS (1:1) > TISS-28 and NEMS (0.8:1) 65 NWL- Patient Category Scoring System Category 1 = 10 points = Nurse:Patient-ratio 0.5:1 Category 2 = 20 points = Nurse:Patient-ratio 1:1 Category 3 = 30 points = Nurse:Patient-ratio 1.5:1 Category 4 = 40 points = Nurse:Patient-ratio 2:1 Time measurements 34 Time spend with a category 1 patient, Nurse:Patient-ratio 0.5:1 is more than a patient in category 2, Nurse:Patient-ratio 1:1 34 CNIS Classification time per intervention: 0=0-9 minutes, 1=10-29 minutes, 2=30-59 minutes, 3=>1 hour Not described No name Category I = Nurse:Patient-ratio 1:1 Category II = Nurse:Patient-ratio 1.33:1 Category III = Nurse:Patient-ratio 2:1 Category IV = Nurse:Patient-ratio 3:1 Not described SGI – Grading system Category I = Nurse:Patient-ratio 1:1 Category Ia = Nurse:Patient-ratio 1.3:1 Category II = Nurse:Patient-ratio 2:1 Category III = Nurse:Patient-ratio 3:1 Compared with other system; TISS and NEMS 48 Good agreement between systems, but large variability at individual patient level 48 AACN Model Description of criteria for a patient with Nurse:Patient-ratio1:1 Not described