Marga Hoogendoorn

93 demand, physical demand, temporal demand, effort, performance, and frustration. Every subscale of the NASA-TLX is rated on a scale of zero to ten points with zero as a minimal perceived workload and ten as a maximum perceived workload in that subcategory. For this study we used both the total NASA-TLX score and the NASA-TLX score per subscale. The subscales of the NASA-TLX represents a score from 0 till 100 points, with 0 points representing a minimum demand and 100 points representing a maximum demand on the workload in that specific subcategory. The total NASA-TLX score represents a mean score of the cumulative score of all six subscales with a score from 0 till 100; with 100 points representing a maximum overall workload. Satisfaction with nursing workload To measure how satisfied the nurses were with the work they had performed we asked the ICU nurses to grade their satisfaction with the workload during that shift on a scale from zero till ten (zero for not satisfied at all and ten for maximal satisfied) at the end of the shift. Ethical approval All data were collected and analyzed anonymously. The Institutional Research Board of the Amsterdam University Medical Centre reviewed the research proposal and waived the need for informed consent (IRB protocol W17_366). Data collection We used the Nursing Activities Score data of the capacity module in the Dutch National Intensive Care Evaluation (NICE) registry. The nursing workload data in the capacity module of the NICE registry consists of all nursing activities within the Nursing Activities Score with updated data definitions 18 , and the sum-score of the Nursing Activities Score per patient. Nurses using the capacity module are trained in the use of the Nursing Activities Score and the data definitions. The Nursing Activities Score data are collected by the ICU nurse in the Electronic Health Record, at the end of each shift. In our study we used the Nursing Activities Score per nurse. In case of two or more patients the Nursing Activities Score per nurse is the sum score of the Nursing Activities Score of all patients the nurse had to take care for during that shift. For the purpose of the study, we asked the ICU nurses to fill in the NASA-TLX subscales at the end of the shift on a web-based digital form, after the handover of the patient(s) to the colleague of the next shift. We also asked the ICU nurses to rate their workload satisfaction in that shift from zero (not satisfied) till ten (maximal satisfied) in the same web-based digital form. The nurses also had the