Marga Hoogendoorn

96 Table 2. results nursing workload per nurse and satisfaction Median (IQR) Nursing Activities Score per nurse – Median (IQR) 69.9 (50.0 – 80.5) NASA-TLX Overall workload - Median (IQR) NASA-TLX Mental demand- Median (IQR) NASA-TLX Physical demand- Median (IQR) NASA-TLX Temporal demand- Median (IQR) NASA-TLX Overall performance- Median (IQR) NASA-TLX Frustration level- Median (IQR) NASA-TLX Effort- Median (IQR) 43.3 (30 – 50) 50 (30 – 70) 50 (20 – 70) 30 (10 – 50) 20 (20 – 30) 30 (20 – 70) 40 (20 – 70) Satisfaction with workload – Median (IQR) Satisfaction < 6 - N (%) Satisfaction ≥ 6 - N (%) 8 (6 – 8) 49 (21.6%) 178 (78.4%) workload satisfaction score Comments of nurses 9 1. Peak was in the first half of the shift, manageable and very easy to do 10 2. Just got back from vacation, had to get going 10 3. Was a very quiet service 8 4. Because of my own fatigue (breastfeeding at night) I feel broke, so I have difficulty thinking and so on 3 5. The workload is too low for me to experience this shift? as pleasant 3 6. Not a challenging shift? 3 7. Very quiet shift. Not very challenging. 1 patient who was very stable. 7 8. The shift started very restlessly, 1 nurse too few, who was brought in from the other unit, which made me switch patients. Which made it a troubled start-up. In addition, physically demanding because of an obese / troubled patient. 3 9. Too quiet rather than too busy 7 10. Quiet shift, where I was able to do everything I had to do and what I wanted to do. But it could be a bit busier. 2 11. Only 1 stable patient to take care of, especially attention to basic care, mobilization, etc. 8 12. Very quiet shift 9 13. Workload is subjective, sometimes it feels more pleasant to have a busier shift