Marga Hoogendoorn

Chapter 1 General introduction 8
Chapter 2 Workload scoring systems in Intensive Care and their ability to quantify the need for nursing workload: a systematic literature review 20
Chapter 3 Validation of the Nursing Activities Score (NAS) using time- and-motion measurements in Dutch intensive care units 52
Chapter 4 The objective nursing workload and perceived nursing workload; analysis of association 70
Chapter 5 A bell-shaped association between both the objective and perceived nursing workload and workload satisfaction of Intensive Care nurses 88
Chapter 6 The impact of COVID-19 on nursing workload and planning of nursing staff in Intensive Care; a prospective descriptive multicenter study 104
Chapter 7 General Discussion 126
Summary 141
Samenvatting (Nederlands) 145
Appendices 151
Curriculum Vitae 165
Portfolio 167
List of Publications 171
Author contributions 175
Dankwoord 179