Addi van Bergen

General introduction 11 1 In the SCP conceptual model (Figure 1), a clear distinction is made between the features of social exclusion (status characteristics) and factors that increase the risk of social exclusion (process) [33]. A low income, for example, is a risk factor and not a constituent part of social exclusion. Low income increases the chance of social exclusion, but social exclusion occurs only if material deprivation actually results (payment arrears, debts, insufficient money for daily necessities) [33]. Risk factors operate at the micro level of the individual, at the meso level of formal and informal organisations and social settings, and at the macro level of government and society at large [42]. Risk factors at the macro level include GDP, income inequality, expenditures on social protection and life expectancy [42]. In short, in this dissertation, we use the multidimensional definition of social exclusion and the corresponding conceptual model as developed by the SCP. Figure 1. SCP conceptual model: risk factors and characteristics of being socially excluded [42].