Addi van Bergen

Supplementary material chapter 2 175 Confounding, matching & stratification etc. Results per indicator*** Correlations and effect estimates per indicator $ Combined result $$ Methodological limitations # Study quality ## Case 1: AIDS + drug addiction + SE + SEPC 8 scales ns SEPC narcistic Z-values ranged from -4.533 to -2.795 + 5 7 + Case 2: drug addiction + SE + SEPC 8 scales ns SEPC narcistic Z-values ranged from -5.852 to -2.714 + Case 3: SE + SEPC 6 scales ns SEPC histronic, ns SEPC antisocial ns SEPC aggressive- sadistic Z-values ranged from -5.955 to -2.758 +/0 C/C: MH=yes/no Matched on gender, age; type of substance (DAS clients only) MHS clients: + S E P1 C ns P2 SE factor present vs not present: OR (95% CI) S:1.85 (1.20-2.83) E:0.36 (0.21-0.59) P1: 4.51 (2.25-9.04) and 3.40 (1.53-7.54) C: OR’s ranging from 3.17 (1.34–7.49) to 10.05 (4.32–23.4) + 1 4 5 + DAS clients: ns S E P C 0 C/C: MH:=yes/other assessment outcome Stratified sample by geographic area and assessment outcome. Adj for ethnicity, bi-polar disorder and present risk + S S adj ns E P SEP S: OR=2.16 (1.22-3.83) S: OR adj =2.04 (1.12-3.71) 0 (SEP) 1 2 3 5” + + P1 SEP ns P1 adj SEP adj ns S E1 E2 P2 P3 P1: OR=1.72 (1.05-2.79) SEP: OR=2.01 (1.22-3.31) 0 (SEP adj ) Co-variates: sex, age, education, psychological preparedness, perceived distress from three types of torture d) , other traumatic experience and time since the first torture event, perceived distress from physical damage related to torture and post torture stressors d) + SP SP: ß=0.310 p<.001 + 1 3 5” + + SP SP: ß=0.227 p<.05 + SP SP: ß=0.297 p<.01 + SP SP: ß=0.318 p<.01 + SP SP: ß=0.296 p<.001 0 SP