Addi van Bergen

Supplementary material chapter 2 179 h) Two of the five SI domains (S and E2) showed a significant change in SInQUE scores between the development of a psychotic illness (T1) and currently (T2). The change in social integration (ΔS) was significantly associated with QoL(MH3) and not with current symptoms (MH2) and unmet needs (MH4). i) Index of social exclusion: sum of the level of needs with regard to 1. employment, 2. sources of income, 3. housing conditions (14 items), 4. support needs for nutrition, 5. money and 6. instrumental care providers in case of need (items). Sum score varying between 0 and 6. j) Depressive symptoms were measured with a reduced version of the Questionnaire for identification of the psychosocial needs of people living with HIV, Maia et al., 2014, based on six symptoms (thoughts of ending life, feeling lonely, feeling sad, not interested in anything, feeling hopeless about the future, and without hope for the future). k) Time since diagnosis of HIV, source of infection, marital infection, health status and daily concerns with health.