Addi van Bergen
Supplementary material chapter 2 189 ## General study quality was appraised with the CASP=Critical Appraisal Skills Programme tool for cohort studies (Supplementary file 2) or cross-sectional studies (Supplementary file 3). a) A social exclusion index was constructed with three underlying dimensions; P= Service provision and access (5 items e.g. poor quality of local medical facilities), S1=Civic participation (4 items e.g. participation in cultural, sports and leisure activities) and S2=Social relations and resources (5 items e.g. living alone, no close friendship). b) SAH=self-assessed health (excellent, very good, good vs fair or poor). LLTI=limiting long-term illness/ disability present (yes/no). Transitions in SAH and LLTI were entered in the regression model with MH1 as independent variable and SP as dependent variable. c) ^ p<0.05, ^^^ p<0.001. d) Chronic disease was measured with a single question asking if the respondent suffered from any longstanding illness or handicap that negatively impacts on his/her ability to work or perform daily activities. e) Chronic disease was measured with a single question asking if any chronic disease, disability or condition was present (yes/no). Limitations was measured with a single question on the presence of any kind of limitations in daily activity (intense or not) due to health problems in the preceding six months (yes/no). Confounding, match-ing & stratification etc. Results per indicator*** Correlations and effect estimates per indicator $ Combined result $$ Methodological limitations # Study quality ## Stratified by social assistance receipt. Adj. for income, age, aboriginal identity, children under 6 and disability. On social assistance: + S4 ns S1 S2 S3 E S4: ß adj = .250 p=.004 0 3 4 5 + Not on social assistance: + S1 S4 ns S2 S3 E S1: ß adj = .278 p=.001; S4: ß adj = .170 p=.042 0 3 4 5
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