Addi van Bergen

54 Table 3. Summary of items which were incorporated in the SCP index or in one of the three constructed indices, by dimension and index. Dimension Items SCP Items health questionnaires Index1 (Amsterdam)* Index2 (Rotterdam/ The Hague)* Index3 (Utrecht)* 1. ‘Limited social participation’ There are people who genuinely understand me There are enough people I feel close to + + - I feel cut off from other people I experience a general sense of emptiness + + + There are people with whom I can have a good conversation There is always someone I can talk to about my day-to-day problems + - + I have contact with neighbours Little contact with neighbours and people in the street . . + There are plenty of people I can lean on when I have problems + + + I miss the pleasure of the company of others + + + I often feel rejected + + + I miss having people around - - + 2. ‘Material deprivation’ I have enough money to heat my home . . . I have enough money for club memberships . . . I have enough money to visit others . . . I have enough money to meet unexpected expenses . . . Had difficulty past year getting by on the household income + + + Current financial situation of the household: have to go into debt + + + 3. ‘Inadequate access to basic social rights’ We all get on well in our neighbourhood People in this neighbourhood generally do not get along with each other . + + I am satisfied with the quality of my home Degree of satisfaction with housing . + +