
CHAPTER 6 112 Table 1 The main providers of psychosocial care for children and adolescents in the Netherlands; the situation at the time of the data collection a b Care type Description Preventive child healthcare (PCH)  In PCH, doctors and nurses provide care to children and families with mild child and family problems. In case of more severe problems, PCH may refer children and families to specialized care, either CASC or CAMH.  PCH provides light psychosocial support, for example family support on an ambulatory/outpatient or home-based basis. Care aims to be short.  Children and families mainly enter PCH by visiting the school doctor or nurse who is employed in PCH. Enrolment via referral of their general practitioner or via the youth care office (in Dutch: ‘Bureaus Jeugdzorg’) is also possible.  Municipalities finance PCH. Child and adolescent social care (CASC)  In CASC, child (social) workers and pedagogues provide specialized care to children and families. CASC treats psychosocial problems and problems in the social and economic context that impede or might threaten the child’s development, such as parental or family problems. Compared to PCH, CASC treats more severe problems.  CASC provides individual child support, trauma support, experiential learning support, independent living support, parenting and family support and foster care support. Care includes ambulatory/outpatient, home-based, day treatment, residential care or family foster care. More frequently than in PCH, care lasts longer than 3 months.  Children and families enter CASC mainly via referral by the youth care office. The youth care office also decides about the type of interventions that needs to be offered. Referral to CASC by PCH or the general practitioner is also possible.  Provincial governments finance CASC. Child and adolescent mental healthcare (CAMH)  In CAMH psychologists and psychiatrists provide specialized care to children and families. CAMH treats psychosocial problems and psychiatric disorders. Compared to PCH, CAMH treats more severe problems.  CAMH provides individual child support, trauma support, parenting and family support. Care is ambulatory/outpatient, home-based or day- treatment. More frequently than in PCH, care lasts longer than 3 months.  Children and families enter CAMH mainly via referral by the general practitioner. Referral via PCH or the youth care offices is also possible.  Health insurance companies finance CAMH. a Since the new Child and Youth Act became operational in 2015 municipalities are responsible for all three care types. b This table is based on Evenboer (2015) [16]; Reijneveld, Wiegersma, Ormel, Verhulst & Vollebergh (2014) [3]; Verhage, Noordik, Knorth & Reijneveld (2016) [8]. Measures Types of problems concerned child, parenting and family problems upon entry into the study (T1), after three months (T2) and after one year (T3). Child problems concerned internalizing and externalizing problems measured using the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) [19-21]. The SDQ consists of 25 items describing positive and