
PROBLEMS AT ENTRY, CARE RECEIVED, OUTCOMES 115 RESULTS Participants’ characteristics The majority of the enroled children were 4-11 years old; a slight majority were male and living in other than a biological two-parent family. Among children aged 12-19 years, parents reported psychosocial problems more frequently than did children. Of the children not enroled in care, the majority were also 4-11 years of age; a large majority were female and lived with their biological parents. Contrary to the enroled group, children aged 12-19 years in the non-enroled group reported problems more frequently than did parents (Table 2). For children aged 4-11 years, no child report was available due to their young age. The distribution of age and gender over the three care types showed that children enroled in PCH were mainly 4-11 years old with an even distribution for gender. In CASC more children were 12-19 years old and female, and in CAMH more were 4-11 years old and male (Table 3).