
CHAPTER 6 116 Table 2 Characteristics of the participating children and adolescents aged 4 to 19 years by enrolment status (enroled or not enroled in psychosocial care) Enroled in psychosocial care (care cohort) Not enroled in psychosocial care (reference cohort) Characteristics N=1,382 a N=443 a Child characteristics N (%) N (%) Age 4-11 years (i.e. primary school age) 12-19 years (i.e. secondary school age and older) 828 550 (60.1) (39.9) 268 175 (60.5) (39.5) Gender Male Female 734 644 (53.3) (46.7) 184 259 (41.5) (58.5) Ethnicity Dutch Non-Dutch 1098 200 (84.6) (15.4) 395 28 (93.4) (6.6) Internalizing problems (parent report) Normal Borderline/abnormal 468 863 (35.2) (64.8) 384 48 (88.9) (11.1) Internalizing problems (adolescent report) Normal Borderline/abnormal 227 226 (50.1) (49.9) 135 29 (82.3) (17.7) Externalizing problems (parent report) Normal Borderline/abnormal 675 656 (50.7) (49.3) 413 19 (95.6) (4.4) Externalizing problems (adolescent report) Normal Borderline/abnormal 263 190 (58.1) (41.9) 143 21 (87.2) (12.8) Psychosocial care use in past six months No Yes 224 1154 (16.3) (83.7) 443 0 (100.0) (0.0) Parent and family characteristics Parental educational level Low 242 (17.6) 32 (7.4) Medium 694 (50.4) 207 (47.9) High 387 (28.4) 193 (44.7) Family composition Biological two-parent family Other 652 723 (47.3) (52.6) 328 115 (74.0) (26.0) Parenting problems No Yes 949 378 (71.5) (28.5) 373 59 (86.3) (13.7) Family problems No Yes 886 440 (66.8) (33.2) 398 33 (92.3) (7.7) Care-related characteristics Type of psychosocial care Preventive child healthcare 366 (26.6) - - Child and adolescent social care 234 (17.0) - - Child and adolescent mental healthcare 778 (56.5) - - Not in care - - 443 (100.0) a Numbers do not always add up to N=1,382 and N=433 due to missing data.