
CURRICULUM VITAE 164 About the author Marieke Nanninga was born in Groningen on February 6st in 1986. She attended the Maartenscollege in Haren for her pre-university secondary education, where she graduated in 2004. Afterwards, she started her undergraduate education in Sociology at the University of Groningen (RUG). She obtained her Bachelor’s degree in 2007, and successfully completed the honors program. She obtained her Master's degree in Sociology with a specialization in policy and consultancy in 2008. She obtained the Master's degree from the Research Master's program 'Human Behaviour in Social Contexts' in 2009. In both master's programs she studied social participation of older people, which was connected to an internship at the municipality of Groningen. Marieke worked as a policy maker for collective advocacy at Zorgbelang Groningen and as a tutor for the course 'Dutch Values' at the Department of Sociology at the RUG between 2009 and 2011. From March 2011 onwards, Marieke worked on her PhD project at the Department of Health Sciences at the University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG). Her PhD project was funded by The Netherlands Organization for Health Research and Development (ZonMw) and was conducted within C4Youth, the Collaborative Centre on Care for Children and Youth with behavioural and emotional problems (www.c4youth.nl ). In 2016, Marieke worked as project leader 'reinforcing basic support' at the continuation of the Collaborative Centre, C4Youth2.0. She is currently working as a researcher at Applied Health Research (TGO) at the UMCG. Here she is engaged in the process monitor of the program 'Kans voor de Veenkoloniën’ in which a form of action research is applied. She also works as project leader Patient participation at Zorgbelang Groningen; in this function, she works on various projects, with hospitals, municipalities, and knowledge institutions, to improve care and assistance from the needs and wishes of clients/patients together with the people involved.