
EXPECTATIONS OF BARRIERS 29 Table 1 Range of the 25% highest scores for the subscales of the BTPS-exp Parents children < 12 years Parents adolescents Adolescents Score (possible scores range from 1 to 5) From to From to From to Stressors and obstacles 1.55 5.00 1.45 5.00 2.53 5.00 Demands and issues 2.44 5.00 2.50 5.00 2.78 5.00 Perceived irrelevance 3.00 5.00 3.00 5.00 3.29 5.00 Problematic relationship with therapist 2.60 5.00 3.00 5.00 3.00 5.00 RESULTS Sample characteristics and barrier expectations Based on parent reports, 10.9% of the children and 10.8% of the adolescents had psychosocial problems, and 26.9% and 30.2% of all children and adolescents had used psychosocial care in the past 6 months, respectively. Of the adolescents, 21.1% reported psychosocial problems, and 34.6% reported use of psychosocial care in the past 6 months (Table 2). The majority of the parents expected one or more barriers, i.e., 63.6% and 58.9% of the parents of children and adolescents, respectively. Of the adolescents, 83.9% expected one or more barriers (Table 3) Regarding the type of barrier expectations, both parents and adolescents expected barriers of the type “perceived irrelevance of treatment” most frequently, followed by “problematic relationship with therapist,” “treatment demands and issues,” and, lastly, “stressors and obstacles competing with treatment” (Table 3). Overall, no significant differences were found between the scores of parents of children and parents of adolescents, except for the subscale “problematic relationship with therapist.” Scores of adolescents were statistically significantly higher than scores of their parents, except for scores on the subscale “problematic relationship with therapist.”