
CHAPTER 3 62 APPENDIX Parent Version of the Barriers to Treatment Participation Scale- Expectancies (BTPS-exp) a Imagine that you are seeking psychological help, counselling, or advice for your child. Below is a list of statements that some parents have about such help for children and adolescents. For each item, please check a box to indicate how much you agree with the statement. b Totally disagree Somewhat disagree Neutral Somewhat agree Totally agree I STRESSORS AND OBSTACLES THAT COMPETE WITH TREATMENT 1. We do not have transportation (car, truck, taxi) to travel to treatment      2. My child is involved in other activities (sports, clubs, music lessons) that would make it hard to come to a session      3. Scheduling appointment times for treatment would be difficult      4. Treatment would conflict with other activities in which I am involved      5. I experience too much stress in my life to participate in treatment      6. My personal health problems or illness would stop me from getting treatment for him or her      7. My child’s health problems or illness will stop me from getting treatment for him or her      8. Crises at home will get in the way      9. Treatment will just add more stress to my life      10. Bad weather will prevent us from coming to treatment      11. My time is limited; I will not have time for the assigned work      12. My child will never be home long enough to do the homework assigned      13. Family health problems or illness in our home will stop me from getting treatment for my child      14. Getting a babysitter so I can come to treatment with my child will be a problem c     