
BTPS-EXP 63 Totally disagree Somewhat disagree Neutral Somewhat agree Totally agree 15. Parking at the treatment agency will stop me from getting treatment for my child      16. Members of my family would stop me from getting treatment for my child or they would disagree with me about whether we should come to treatment at all      17. I am too tired after work to go to sessions      18. My job schedule is too hectic      19. Treatment would take time away from spending time with my children      20. I have trouble with other children at home, which would make it hard to come to treatment      II TREATMENT DEMANDS AND ISSUES 21. My child will refuse to go to the sessions      22. Treatment takes too long (too many weeks)      23. Treatment will cost too much      24. Billing will be a big hassle      25. Information we get from treatment (handouts, referral information) will be confusing for me or my child      26. My child will have trouble understanding treatment      27. Treatment will be more work than I think      28. The atmosphere at the clinic will make appointments uncomfortable      29. I will not have a say in my child’s treatment      30. The work assigned to me as part of this treatment will be difficult     