
CHAPTER 3 64 Totally disagree Somewhat disagree Neutral Somewhat agree Totally agree III PERCEIVED IRRELEVANCE OF TREATMENT 31. Treatment is not necessary      32. Treatment won’t be what I expect      33. I will probably lose interest in coming to sessions      34. Treatment will become less important as it goes on      35. Treatment will not focus on my child’s life and problems      36. Treatment might “bring out” new or different problems in my child      37. My child’s behaviour will improve on its own; treatment is not needed      38. Treatment will not work      IV PROBLEMATIC RELATIONSHIP WITH THE THERAPIST 39. I worry that I won’t have a good relationship with the therapist      40. I will have to give too much personal information to the therapist      41. The therapist won’t be confident that treatment will work      42. The therapist might question my ability to carry out treatment programs at home      43. The therapist might not support me or my efforts      44. The therapist will not call enough      Note. a Contact the corresponding author for the Dutch version of the BTPS-exp. b Instruction for the adolescent version was: “Imagine that you are seeking psychological help, counselling, or advice. Below is a list of statements that some adolescents have about such help for adolescents. For each item, please check a box to indicate how much you agree with the statement.” c Adolescent version: Item 14 was not applicable and therefore not included.