
CHAPTER 4 68 and adolescents, and it covers both entering care, passing to more specialized levels of care (all filters) and use of care. Figure 1 Filters in entrance into psychosocial care for children and adolescents based on the Pathways to Care model of Goldberg & Huxley [14] METHODS Search method We searched the literature published in English during the period from January 2000 to February 2, 2015 in the Medline, PsycINFO, SocINDEX, and ERIC databases, using the online reference system EBSCO host, with assistance of a librarian. Combinations of terms belonging to the following topics were used: children and adolescents, psychosocial problems, enrolment/use, and care (see appendix). We examined whether known key articles were among the search results. A pilot was performed to improve the search method. Community Filter 1 decision to consult Filter 2 recognition by a professional Filter 3 referral to specialised care Filter 4 decision to admit Outpatient care Primary care Psychosocial care Inpatient care