
DETERMINANTS - SYSTEMATIC REVIEW 71 Figure 2 Flow-chart on the identification of studies Data synthesis and reporting In order to structure the results, each study outcome was attributed to one or more of the filters of the Pathways to Care model or to use of care [14]. A narrative synthesis of the results was undertaken because of the diversity of study methodologies and measurements of variables. Both general characteristics of the studies and the results for the determinants for each filter and use were reported. A factor was reported as a determinant if it was shown to contribute with statistical significance in at least one study ( p -value<0.05). Records identified in Medline n=2,707 Records after duplicates removed n=3,594 Records excluded for various reasons n=3,203  entrance/use not studied (993)  not a quantitative study (885)  emotional/behavioural problems not studied (505)  determinants not studied (353)  children not studied (199)  specific groups (183)  not a high-income country (82)  not English (3) Records excluded for weak (n=22) or moderate (n=102) quality Records identified in PsycINFO n=676 Records identified in SocINDEX n=353 Records identified in ERIC n=306 Full-text articles selected n=391 Records excluded for various reasons n=245  entrance/use not studied (81)  specific groups (51)  determinants not studied (38)  not a quantitative study (32)  emotional/behavioural problems not studied (27)  children not studied (15)  not a high-income country (1) Articles that met inclusion criteria n=146 Articles included in systematic review, strong quality n=22