
DETERMINANTS - SYSTEMATIC REVIEW 77 Table 1 (Continued) Study Country Design (study period) Population Respondents (N) Age: range (mean) Outcome (standardized measurement/time period) a Determinants associated with outcome a,b Burns et al. [32] c United States Cross-sectional (1999-2000) Children investigated by child welfare after reported maltreatment Children, parents, teachers, child welfare workers (n = 3211) 2-14 Use of mental health care (for emotional/ behavioural problems incl. outpatient, residential) (Child and Adolescent Services Assessment (CASA)/past year) Psychosocial problems (total score), sexual abuse (age 2-5), white ethnicity (age 6-10), placed out of home (age 6-14), parental mental illness (age 11-14) Bussing et al. [26] See fil t er 1 See filer 1 See filer 1 See filer 1 See filer 1 Use of ADHD treatment (current) Male, Caucasian ethnicity, full pay-lunch subsidy status, use of special education services Cabiya et al. [33] Puerto Rico Cross-sectional (1999-2000) General population Children, parents (n = 1896) 4-17 Use of mental health care (inpatient, outpatient, school) (Service assessment for children and adolescents (SACA)) (past year) Psychosocial problems (severe emotional disturbance and disruptive disorder), more impaired global functioning, (impaired) male, older age (11-17 vs. 4-10), parental concern, diffic u l ty wi th school work Chavira et al. [34] United States Cross-sectional (1997) Children with anxiety disorders in public sectors of care Children, parents (n = 162) 6-18 (13.9) 1. Use of inpatient mental health care (Service assessment for children and adolescents (SACA)/ past year) 1. Comorbid disorders, identifie d from me nt al - health affil i ated sector s 2. Use of outpatient mental health care (Service assessment for children and adolescents (SACA)/ past year) 2. No signific a nt resul ts 3. Use of school mental health care (Service assessment for children and adolescents (SACA)/ past year) 3. Identifie d from me nt al -heal th affili a ted sectors 4. Use of non-specialty outpatient mental health care (incl. family doctor, pediatrician, emergency room, in-home counselling for emotional/ behavioural problems) (Service assessment for children and adolescents (SACA)/past year) 4. Caregiver strain, comorbid disruptive behaviour disorder Costello et al. [44] d United States Cross-sectional (2001-2004) Adolescents with a psychiatric disorder Children, parents (n = 2757) 13-17 Use of services for emotional or behavioural problems (broad: general care to specialized mental health care) (past year) Male, non-Hispanic white ethnicity (vs. non- Hispanic black), other than a biological two-parent family Cuffeet al . [35] United States Cohort, Longitudinal (T1 1987-1989 T2 1991-1994) General population Children (T1 n = 579 T2 n = 488) Adolescents (T1 12.83, T2 18.65) Use of outpatient care (Present episode version of the schedule for affe c tive di sor ders and schizophrenia for school-aged children (K-SADS)/ past year) Psychosocial problems (depressive symptomatology (only T1), non-affe c tive di sor der (only T1), affe c tive di sor der , and affec t i ve comor bid with non-affe c tive di sor der), wh i te ma l es (onl y T1) Cuffeet al . [36] e United States Cross-sectional (2001) Children with ADHD Children, parents (n = 278) 4-17 1. Visit to a general doctor for emotional problems (general practice, pediatrics, family medicine, or internal medicine) (past year) 1. Primary school age (9-13 vs. 4-8/14-17), health insurance (vs. no insurance) 2. Seeing a mental health professional (psychiatrist, psychologist, psychiatric nurse, clinical social worker) (past year) 2. Psychosocial problems (emotional problems), urban residence, higher family education