
CHAPTER 4 78 Table 1 (Continued) Study Country Design (study period) Population Respondents (N) Age: range (mean) Outcome (standardized measurement/time period) a Determinants associated with outcome a,b Garcia et al. [37] United States Cross-sectional (2002-2003) Children in foster care Children (n = 732) 17-18 Use of psychological or emotional counselling (past year) Psychosocial problems (total score), Caucasian/ other ethnicity (vs. African-American), living situation: group care (vs. foster home) Garland et al. [38] United States Cross-sectional (1990-1991) Children in foster care Caregivers (n = 659) 2-17 (7.6) Use of care for emotional, behavioural, social, school, other adjustment problems (past half year) Psychosocial problems (total score), older age, white American ethnicity, sexual abuse, physical abuse, no neglect Husky et al. [43] d United States Cross-sectional (2001-2004) Adolescents with suicidal symptoms Children (n = 558) 13-18 Use of services for emotional or behavioural problems (broad: general care to specialized mental health care) (past year) Psychosocial problems (suicide ideation and suicide plan) Among adolescents with suicide ideation: eating, behaviour disorder, 2-5 mental disorders Among adolescents with suicide plan: mood disorder Among adolescents with suicide attempt: any disorder, 2-5 mental disorders Simpson et al. [39] e United States Cross-sectional (2001, 2003, 2004) Children with emotional/ behavioural problems Parents (n = 1423) 4-17 1. Visit or conversation with mental health professional (psychiatrist, psychologist, clinical social worker or psychiatric nurse) about the health (past year) 1. Psychosocial problems (severe psychosocial symptoms), older age (8-17 years vs. 4-7), non- Hispanic white ethnicity, private health insurance (vs. no insurance), family burden, diffic u l ties affe c ting chi ld’ s lei sur e activi ties 2. Use of special education services (past year) 2. Psychosocial problems (severe psychosocial symptoms), child’s diffic u l ties affec t i ng f riendshi ps, leisure activities, learning Stahmer et al. [40] c United States Cohort, Longitudinal (1999) Children in child welfare after allegations of abuse/neglect Parents, child welfare workers (n = 2813) 0-5 Use of care (education, mental health, primary care) (Child and Adolescent Services Assessment (CASA)/past year) Psychosocial problems (developmental and behavioural need), older age (3-5 vs. 0-2 years old), white/non-Hispanic ethnicity, being abandoned, living in out-of-home care Wu et al. [41] United States Cross-sectional (2000) Children that attempted suicide Children (n = 877) 12-17 1. Use of inpatient mental health care (past year) 1. Poor self-perceived health, white ethnicity, child not living with both parents 2. Use of outpatient mental health care (past year) 2. Psychosocial problems (anxiety and disruptive behaviour problems), female, white ethnicity, higher family income, Medicare or Medicaid insurance (vs. no insurance), participation extracurricular activities 3. Use of school mental health care (past year) 3. Participation in extracurricular activities a Terminology as used is consistent with the original studies. b Only signific a nt results corrected for confounders. c Burns et al. (2004) and Stahmer et al. (2005) have overlap in their samples. d Costello et al. (2014) and Husky et al. (2012) have overlap in their samples. e Cuffeet al . (2009) and Si mp son et al . (2009) have overlap in thei r samp l es.