
CHAPTER 5 94 Table 1 Characteristics of the samples, overall and for the care sample and the community sample Characteristics Total sample N=1794 a Care sample N=1331 Community sample N=463 Child characteristics N (%) N (%) N (%) Age 4-11 12-19 1097 697 (61.1) (38.9) 828 503 (62.2) (37.8) 269 194 (58.1) (41.9) Gender Male Female 915 879 (51.0) (49.0) 720 611 (54.1) (45.9) 195 268 (42.1)* (57.9) Ethnicity Dutch Non-Dutch 1521 220 (84.8) (12.3) 1099 192 (85.1) (14.9) 422 28 (93.8)* (6.2) Psychosocial problems Normal Borderline Abnormal 968 219 607 (54.0) (12.2) (33.8) 527 207 597 (39.6) (15.6) (44.9) 441 12 10 (95.2)* (2.6) (2.2) Parent and family characteristics Parental educational level Primary education Lower levels of secondary education Higher levels of secondary education Senior vocational education University 44 232 911 435 164 (2.5) (12.9) (50.8) (24.2) (9.1) 41 201 694 280 107 (3.1) (15.2) (52.5) (21.2) (8.1) 3 31 217 155 57 (0.6)* (6.7) (46.9) (33.5) (12.3) Family composition Biological two-parent family Other 906 885 (50.6) (49.4) 586 742 (44.1) (55.9) 320 143 (69.1)* (30.9) Family social support (mean (SD)) (9-45) 37.67 (7.3) 36.76 (7.6) 40.30 (5.6)* Parenting skills (mean (SD)) Poor supervision (1-5) Inconsistent disciplining (1-5) Positive parenting (1-5) 1.70 2.27 4.19 (0.8) (0.7) (0.6) 1.75 2.34 4.19 (0.8) (0.7) (0.6) 1.56 2.05 4.17 (0.6)* (0.7)* (0.5) Care-related characteristics Type of psychosocial care None Preventive child health care Child and adolescent social care Child and adolescent mental health care 463 364 209 758 (25.8) (20.3) (11.6) (42.2) - 364 209 758 - (27.3) (15.7) (56.9) 463 - - - (100.0)* - - - a Numbers do not always add up to N=1794 due to missing data * Significant differences between care and community sample, p <0.001