
CHAPTER 1 General introduction 9
CHAPTER 2 Expectations of barriers to psychosocial care: Views of parents and adolescents in the community Eur Child Adol Psychiatry 2016; 25: 107-117. 23
CHAPTER 3 Psychometric properties of the Barriers to Treatment Participation Scale-Expectancies Psychol Assess 2016; 28: 898-907. 43
CHAPTER 4 Determinants of enrolment in and use of psychosocial care by children and adolescents: A systematic review Submitted 65
CHAPTER 5 Enrolment of children and adolescents in psychosocial care: More likely with low family social support and poor parenting skills Eur Child Adol Psychiatry 2015; 24: 407-416. 87
CHAPTER 6 Enrolment of children in psychosocial care: Problems at entry, care received, and outcomes achieved Eur Child Adol Psychiatry 2018; 27: 625-635. 107
CHAPTER 7 General discussion. 129
Summary 147
Samenvatting 153
Dankwoord 159
Curriculum Vitae 163
Previous dissertations 167