Hanna de Jong-Markus

Appendices 239 Appendix II. Selection Criteria and School Categories Selection Criteria School’s denomination The denominations of schools are officially registered with the Ministery of Education, Culture and Science in the Basic Registration Institutions (BRIN; Basis Registratie Instellingen). We used a dataset of the Education Executive Agency of the Ministry that contained all addresses of school locations of primary schools in the Netherlands to select the orthodox Protestant schools (DUO/IB-groep, 201494). There were 164 Reformed (Dutch: reformatorisch), 110 Reformed Liberated (Dutch: gereformeerd vrijgemaakt) and 1699 Protestant (Dutch: protestants-christelijk) primary schools out of 6687 primary school locations in the Netherlands. Not all Protestant schools are orthodox Protestant schools. Therefore we asked two experts in the field95 to determine independently the schools what they thought to be orthodox Protestant schools in the list of all 200 Protestant schools within a radius of 50 kilometres around Utrecht (see next section). The schools that were mentioned by both of them were taken into our selection, which were 49 schools. Before these schools were contacted by the researcher, it was checked whether they indeed referred to the Reformed doctrines in their mission statements. Travel distance Because of practical reasons, namely the accessibility for the researcher, only schools with a maximum travel distance of 50 kilometres from Utrecht were included in our selection. Using the website Free Map Tools 96 we determined which of the orthodox Protestant primary schools were in this area. It seemed that this area covers a lot of variations that can be found in the Netherlands, like urban and rural areas, both inside and outside the Biblebelt. Using this selection criterion of travel distance, we had 85 Reformed and 32 94 DUO/IB-groep (2014, October 1). 03 Alle vestigingen basisonderwijs. Retrieved October 21, 2014, from the DUO/IB-groep website: http://www.duo.nl/organisatie/open_onderwijsdata/databestanden/po/ adressen/Adressen/vest_bo.asp 95 The first expert was the manager of Driestar Onderwijsadvies (educational advise centre for orthodox Protestant schools), who is responsible for all external relations with primary schools. The second expert was the director ‘education and identity’ of Verus, a national association for catholic en protestants schools. 96Free Map Tools (2014, October 20). Radius around Point. Retrieved from http://www.freemaptools.com/radius-around-point. htm?clat=52.091667&clng=5.117778000000044&r=50&lc=FFFFFF&lw=1&fc=0000FF&fs=true Free Map Tools (2014, October 20). Radius around Point. Retrieved from http://www.freemaptools.com/radius-around-point. htm?clat=52.091667&clng=5.117778000000044&r=50&lc=FFFFFF&lw=1&fc=0000FF