Hanna de Jong-Markus

240 Reformed Liberated primary schools left, besides the already mentioned 49 Protestant primary schools. Town size Because there is no fixed criterion of what is rural or urban, and because we wanted to refine the distinction between these two extremes; we choose to distinguish between biggest cities, big cities, cities and villages. The biggest cities (called ‘G4’) and the big cities (called ‘G32’) are distinguished by the government in the context of urban policy. For the remaining cities we used the criteria that a locality with a cinema and/or hospital is a city and is otherwise considered to be a village. To decide whether there was a cinema in the place, we used a list of the places with cinema’s on the website of Bioscoopagenda Nederland (n.d.; Cinema Agenda of The Netherlands)97. To decide whether there was a hospital in a place, we used a dataset with all locations of general and academic hospitals98 from the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu, 2014). We looked for both general hospitals and academic hospitals and not for satellite clinics. We decided for every school in our sample whether it was located in one of the biggest cities (5 times) or big cities (14 times), or in a city (30 times) or a village (117 times). Presence of orthodox Protestants There ar two orthodox Protestant political parties in the Netherlands, namely the Staatkundig Gereformeerde Partij (SGP; Reformed Political Party) and ChristenUnie (CU; ChristianUnion). We used a dataset99 from J. Smits of the Stichting Politieke Academie (Political Academy Foundation) (personal communication, October 21, 2014) in which the results of the 2012 national governmental elections were connected to city names. For all places of schools in our selection we made a raking list of the amount of support for the orthodox Protestant political parties. Based on the overview of percentages, we decided to use for cities a percentage of less than 10% as an indication of little support and in the category of villages a percentage of less than 30%. This criteria was not used for the biggest cities and big cities, since none of them had a substantial amount of presence 97 Bioscoopagenda Nederland (n.d.). Kies je filmstad uit de lijst. Retrieved September 8, 2015, from www.biosagenda.nl/steden 98 RIVM (2014, July 1). Locaties algemene en academische ziekenhuizen 2014. Retrieved November 25, 2015, from http://www.zorgatlas.nl/zorg/ziekenhuiszorg/algemene-en-academische-ziekenhuizen/ aanbod/locaties-algemene-en-academische-ziekenhuizen/#breadcrumb 99 stembureaus2012v10 met plaats zonder adres