Hanna de Jong-Markus

242 Appendix III. Questionnaire Background Characteristics101 Questionnaire Background Characteristics of Participants102 (Individual Interviews) Participant [code filled in by the researcher] Year of birth _______________________________ Gender M / F (cross out what does not apply) Work experience in primary education (in years) _______________________________ Work experience in current school (in years) _______________________________ Work experience in the upper grades (in years) _______________________________ Current job size (in FTE) _______________________________ Training institute _______________________________ Faith is for me… o Very important103 o Important o Slightly important o Not important Involvement with the church o Very active o Active o Fairly active o Not Church denomination _______________________________ Church membership o No member o Birth member o Baptized member o Confessing member 101 Original in Dutch; translation by the author. 102 This questionairre has been taken from De Muynck (2008). Een goddelijk beroep. Spiritualiteit in de beroepspraktijk van leraren in het orthodox–protestant basisonderwijs. Groen. 103 Original in Dutch: Zeer belangrijk, belangrijk, enigszins belangrijk, niet belangrijk