Hanna de Jong-Markus

244 Appendix IV. Interview Guide (full version)106 INTERVIEW GUIDE ‘Religious tolerance as an educational goal’ INTERVIEW I 0. Introduction107 a) Introduction interviewer (short) • Name • Working for Driestar Christian University and the Protestant Theological University (PThU) • Conducting research of 4 years, recently I looked for what is already known, currently interviewing 18 teachers b) Research: • Benefits: Relatively little research is being conducted with regard to schools operating from a certain religious conviction and therefore, as I included in the information I emailed you, we don’t know much about it. This is why this research is interesting. • At the moment, we are especially curious as to how teachers deal with the Christian character of the school, while society shows such a variation of religious beliefs and other world views. c) Structure interview • We have about two hours to conduct this first interview. • I hope it will be a discussion, mainly: I have a couple of theme’s we could discuss, but we might end up talking about other important topics which we decide to explore more deeply. Please call out when you think something is important! So, it’s a relatively open interview, and there are no right or wrong answers. • I might keep pushing for more elaborate answers, even when you think: “But you get that, right?!” As a researcher, my task is, sometimes, to pretend I know nothing, to encourage you to explain everything extra carefully. • There are a few topics we will discuss. You’ll find that we will return to earlier topics, sometimes, or that I’ll be scanning my questionnaire. 106 Original in Dutch; translation by the author. 107 Cf. Van de Koot-Dees (2013, pp. 368-369)