Hanna de Jong-Markus

Appendices 245 d) Information concerning confidentiality and anonymity • In [this] form, we summarized all important agreements guaranteeing your anonymity. Everything you say will be utterly confidential. We will use madeup names and will ensure that what is said will be completely intractable. • These rules are also applicable to the audio-files. Would you mind if I record our conversation? • Signing the form, but perhaps are there first questions? e) Is everything clear? 1. Could you tell me something about your own school career, from primary education until now? a) Upbringing/family background b) Who/What inspired you and/or inspires you to work in education? c) Could you describe the relationship between your worldview (faith) and your job?108 d) Characteristics of current job: FTE, which grade, specific tasks e) Did your expectations about working at this school become true? 2. Could you tell me something about your ideals in education, what is most important in your eyes? a) The interviewer is shown the definition109 of ‘ideals’ and read this definition aloud [to the interviewee]. b) Mention three ideals110 c) Prioritize these ideals111 d) Why? Who/What influenced or inspired you? e) How can I recognize these ideals in your daily practices? f) Did your ideals change over time? Can you compare them with say, five or ten years ago? 108 Cf. Bertram-Troost e.a. (2015b, p. 94) 109 IDEAL: *) image of something in a perfect state: dream image *) Something one wishes to become a reality. Something to strive for and something imagined as the highest, the most perfect. 110 De Ruyter & Kole (2001, cf. De Ruyter et al., 2003) 111 De Ruyter & Kole (2001, cf. De Ruyter et al., 2003)