Hanna de Jong-Markus

Appendices 247 7. Religious education a) What does it look like? b) What is its goal? What do you want to teach children foremost?116 c) Concerning religious others and non-religious: how is talked about them and/or is there encountering with them? 8. Religious tolerance (shortly/introduction) a) What does citizenship education at this school look like? b) The government states that pupils should be informed about basic values of the Dutch constitutional state, e.g. promoting tolerance and rejecting intolerance. Do you go along with that? c) How would you describe the concept of tolerance? (The interviewer mentions the aspect of ‘giving space, although one would prefer to do something else’.) d) Could you imagine at what moments this issue appears in the class room? INTERVIEW II 0. Introduction a) Confidentiality • Just like last time, I would like to record the interview. You signed the informed consent form last time; it also applies to this interview. • Everything you say will be anonymized and treated confidentially. b) Structure interview: • We will explore some topics more profoundly • I hope we can view this as a discussion, you are not ‘on trial’ or something like that. Therefore, there are no right or false answers. • If possible, I’d like to finish at around … [time] c) Any questions? 1. Questions of clarification on account of interview 1 (differs per participant) 2. Religious tolerance The government states that schools should foster some basic values of the Dutch constitutional state, such as tolerance and the rejection of intolerance. 116 Cf. Versteegt (2010, p. 258)