Hanna de Jong-Markus

248 a) How would you describe ‘tolerance’? b) Do you think it is important? Why? c) Religious tolerance concerns tolerance towards people holding different worldviews. d) What attitude would you like your pupils to have towards religious others? (compare with answer on question 4d in interview 1) e) What cannot be tolerated?117 f) How does religious tolerance relate to the desire that the pupils will become Christians themselves? g) Do you teach tolerance? Can you give an example of how you do so? Which convictions are important in your choice for a specific practice? h) If you should define it as a learning goal for pupils, how would you do so? The pupil… i) Does citizenship education have a place in school at all? Do you experience that the government promotes it? Why does the government promote it, do you think? Is the school acting on this issue? j) What are, in your opinion, the most important challenges in relation to religious tolerance? How does that relate to education? Concerning this, how do you think that teachers in general act?118 3. Religious others and non-religious people a) During childhood, what were the values and morals you were taught with regard to other religious convictions? • Has that changed? • How and why did that change?119 • [NB: could also be about church denominations.] b) Do you have friends or family with different religious convictions?120 • What’s that like? • What do you experience as valuable and what is difficult? (Dilemma’s) 117 Cf. Afdal (2006) 118 Cf. Afdal (2006) 119 Versteegt (2010, p. 256) 120 Versteegt (2010, p. 258)