Hanna de Jong-Markus

Appendices 249 c) Do you think that, in the end, Muslim’s and Christians, or Hindu’s and Buddhists worship the same God? • Can you explain why? • What do you think about that? • Did you ever discuss this with others? • Would your colleagues give the same answer?121 d) Looking at your colleagues, do you think you mainly agree on religious issues, or do you feel differently? • At school, how do people deal with colleagues who’s visons divert from the general opinion?122 e) Statement: “The Netherlands is so diverse that it would be best to provide only public education, accessible to all.” What are your personal ideas in favour and against this statement? f) What would you like children to learn about different religious convictions?123 • Perhaps: Which method? What’s your opinion about that method? 4 . Christian values a) Do you want to promote Christian values? Which ones? (Religiously motivated/ constituted) b) How do you practice that? Which convictions play a role in your choices to act in a certain way? [Relate to answers with regard to upbringing goals in interview 1.] 5. Last questions a) Do you think your answers in this conversation are representative for your colleagues? For other schools? b) Lastly, are there issues we haven’t dealt with which you think are important with regard to Christian [Reformed] school identity or the religious diversity of society?124 6. Ending a) Thank you! (offer small present) b) How did you experience this conversation? 121 Versteegt (2010, p. 256) 122 Versteegt (2010, p. 256) 123 Versteegt (2010, pp. 256-258) 124 Cf. Van de Koot-Dees (2013, pp. 268-269)