Hanna de Jong-Markus

Appendices 251 Appendix V. Conversation Guide Alumni (full version)125 Conversation guide Research Teachers, Religious Diversity and Teacher Education Introduction 5 minutes For Driestar Christian University (DCU), Christian education is very important. One of the themes we have worked on recently is how Christian education deals with differences. Differences in general, but also - and these are sometimes extra exciting - how Christian education deals with differences within the field of faith, or religious diversity. We have previously researched what teachers think about religious diversity in society, but now we are particularly interested in your classroom experiences. We think there are many situations when differences come into play, such as: • You use Nieuwsbegrip [a programmeto enhance reading comprehension, based on current news topics] and one of the texts is about celebrating Carnival. • When discussing a Bible story, you notice that pupils come from different church backgrounds. • Pupils are afraid of terrorist attacks and Islam. As you note, we look at all the differences in terms of faith: both church differences and other religions. In previous research, we have found that when we talk about one, we are quick to talk about the other. The college would now like to explore where and how you encounter situations in your teaching practice in which religious diversity plays a role, and especially whether you have the experience and feel adequately prepared to deal with it, or whether the college could do more in this area. Explanation Focus group • Welcome, thank you for coming. • Introduction of the moderator + role, introduction of the assistant • About focus groups: o Topic: How teacher education can equip students to deal with religious diversity in a good way. 125 Original in Dutch; translation by the author.