Hanna de Jong-Markus

252 o Goal: To know to what extent you encounter situations or religious diversity in your teaching practice, and especially what you think is important and where you see chances for the teacher education programme o Total time: maximum of 2 hours, with a short break halfway through (coffee/tea) o Rules of play: • Participants may have different opinions: interrupting is allowed, but not too much; • There are no right or wrong answers; • Let participants speak in their own words; • Participants may also ask each other questions; • We keep the conversation/discussion central; • The moderator leads the discussion and intervenes when necessary. Introduction of participants 5 minutes State your name, age, how many years you have been teaching and which year group you teach. Opening question126 5 minutes (answer from each participant) Today we are talking about religious diversity, and it is actually important to know first of all what you think of when you hear that concept. Therefore: What do you think of when you hear the term “religious diversity”? Definition “So, together, this is what we mean by it...” Note: ‘external’ and ‘internal’ (“big differences” and “denominational differences”) Introductory question 10 minutes Can you recall a situation in the classroom that had to do with church differences or other religions? 126 Different types of questions based on Handleiding Focusgroepen (Handbook Focusgroups; Kwaliteitsinstituut voor de gezondheidszorg CBO, september 2004) that was distributed during the qualitative interviewing training on 16 November 2018 (Marion Matthijssen).