Hanna de Jong-Markus

254 o What would you find difficult? o What would help you? o Teacher Peter says that he told pupils that they can talk to others. In what way would you like children to engage in conversation? (Here, I can repeat the above questions: passing on / difficult / helpful) [Try to write answers to the above on the board, as it will help for the next questions]. [5-minute break] Key questions 30 minutes 1. (If that is not already clear from the above.) How does a teacher best respond? 2. What do teachers need for this in their teacher education? o To what extent are student teachers capable of doing this when they start their training? • What does it depend on? o What do students need to develop? o How can students develop this? 3. How can teacher education contribute to this? o Which parts of the teacher education programme do you think could help? o Should/could something in the teacher education programme be adjusted? If so, what? Closing question 5 minutes • (Summary by the moderator) • Was there anything else you think we should have talked about in this discussion?