Hanna de Jong-Markus

Appendices 257 Transition question / key question 15 minutes • Teachers need to be competent in dealing with situations involving internal or external religious diversity. What competencies do you think a teacher needs for this? (Organize: knowledge/character/competence; and possibly the difference between internal and external diversity.) • Difference between internal and external diversity [Write this out on the board > this is the starting point for the rest of the discussion]. If necessary, elaborate: Teachers regularly state that they want pupils to learn to ask further questions and to get to know the world outside their primary environment, which means: not taking things for granted, deepening their knowledge and being open to the views of others. What competences do teachers need to pass this on to their pupils? Key questions 70 minutes • What do students need to develop in the programmeto achieve this? (Knowledge/ Character/Competence) • To what extent are students able to do such things when they start their training? [Illustrate on the board: draw a line behind competences from present - not present | Start = entrance level; E = desired final level; W = actual final level] • What does it depend on? • What are difficult aspects for students? • What does the student need to develop? [automatically follows on from previous question] • How can the student do that? • How can the teacher education programme contribute to that? • What in your lessons make students practice these things? • What do you consider to be limiting factors? And what are stimulating factors? • Would you like to, or would you be able to adjust something in your lessons? • In general: To what extent are these competences present among orthodox protestants? What is the position of teachers in this? • In my introduction, I said that we consider ‘formation’ of students important. How would you describe that formation and how do you see it in relation to this subject? Closing question 5 minutes • (Summary by the moderator) • Was there anything else you think we should have talked about in this discussion?