Hanna de Jong-Markus

260 NIET-ANDERSGELOVIGEN RELIGIOUS OTHERS = de participant doet uitspraken over niet-/anders-gelovigen (= nietchristenen) binnen en buiten de school = the participant discusses nonreligious or religious others (i.e. nonChristians) inside and outside of school OUDERS PARENTS = de participant doet uitspraken over ouders van leerlingen en/of over de achtergrond/context waaruit leerlingen komen = the participant mentions pupil’s parents, and/or pupils’ (social) backgrounds/contexts OVERHEID GOVERNMENT = de participant doet uitspraken over de overheid, wetgeving en/of politici = the participant discusses the government, legislationand/or politicians SAMENLEVING SOCIETY = de participant doet uitspraken over de (huidige) samenleving = the participant discusses (contemporary) society SCHOOL SCHOOL = de participant doet uitspraken over karakteristieken van déze school = the participant discusses the characteristics of his/her school TEAM TEACHER TEAM = de participant doet uitspraken over zijn/haar (team van) collega’s = the participant discusses his/her (direct) colleagues TOLERANTIE TOLERANCE = de participant doet uitspraken over (religieuze) tolerantie, respect en/of acceptatie = the participant discusses (religious) tolerance, respect , and/or acceptance VLUCHTELINGEN REFUGEES = de participant doet uitspraken over het vluchtelingen(debat) en/of allochtonen in de samenleving (NBallochtonenzijnnietaltijdvluchtelingen, maar uitspraken worden veelal gedaan in context van vluchtelingendebat) = the participant discusses (the issue of) refugees, and/or immigrants in contemporary society (Please note: Not all immigrants are refugees, but most statements are posed in context of the refugee issue)