Hanna de Jong-Markus

Appendices 263 Appendix IX. Interview Guide (condensed version)131 INTERVIEWGUIDE: “Religious tolerance as an educational goal” (condensed version) In the original interview guide every question was followed by remarks and follow-up questions to guarantee attention to important aspects, such as concrete classroom examples of what was discussed. INTERVIEW I 1. Could you tell me something about your own education and your school career (fromprimary education until now)? 2. Could you tell something about your ideals in education, and what is most important inyour eyes? 3. Why did you choose to work at this [orthodox Protestant] school? What could you sayabout your school when it comes to the Christian identity of the school? Why is Christian education important? 4. How diverse is the population of pupils and teachers? What attitude would you like yourpupils to display concerning this diversity? 5. What is your opinion about religious diversity as a characteristic of contemporary society?How often, when, or where do you meet religious others or nonreligious people? How would you define religious others or nonreligious people? 6. Do your pupils meet religious others or nonreligious people? When and how are religiousothers or nonreligious people mentioned in your classroom? 7. What is the most important message of the Christian faith you want to share with yourpupils? What does religious education look like in practice? 8. What does citizenship education at this school look like in practice? How would youdescribe the concept of tolerance? Do you go along with the government statement that pupils should be informed about basic values of the Dutch constitutional state, e.g., promoting tolerance and rejecting intolerance? Can you imagine at what moments this issue comes up in the classroom? INTERVIEW II 1. Questions of clarification to follow-up Interview I (depending on what was said in Interview I). 2. How would you describe “tolerance”? What attitude would you like your pupils to have toward religious others? Do you teach tolerance? Does citizenship 131 Original in Dutch; translation by the author.