Hanna de Jong-Markus

Appendices 267 Appendix XI. Conversation Guides (condensed versions)135 Conversation Guides for Research Teachers, (Religious) Diversity, and Education (condensed version) Here, we summarize the central themes and questions from the focus group conversation guides. Conversation Guide for Alumni “(...) As you note, we look at all the differences in terms of faith: both church differences and other religions. Now the college would like to explore where and how you encounter situations in practice in which religious diversity plays a role, and especially whether you have the experience that you were adequately prepared for that during your education or whether the college could do different things.” • What do you think of when you hear the words “religious diversity”? • Can you recall a situation in the classroom that had to do with church differences or other religions? I want to discuss with you a case study that I came across because one of the teachers talked about it in the interviews. Then, I want to ask you what you would do if you were the teacher. The researcher reads an excerpt from the interview with a 24-year-old teacher of an orthodox Protestant village school136, in which he tells about an evangelization campaign of another Christian movement in the village that stirred up a lot of emotions among the pupils. Among other things, he said: “It was really actually then that you were introduced to another religion.” • (If that is not already clear from the above.) How would a teacher best respond? • What does a teacher need for this in teacher education? • How can teacher education contribute to this? • (Summary) Did you miss anything in our conversation? Conversation Guide for Teacher Educators “(...) If you can characterize society as religiously diverse and our own [orthodox Protestant] ‘group’ is a minority, the question arises as to how you train students in terms 135 Original in Dutch; translation by the author. 136 This interview was conducted as part of the earlier research study.