Sanne de Bruin

235 Curriculum Vitae Curriculum Vitae Sanne de Bruin was born on the 29th of August 1990 in Haar- lem, the Netherlands. She grew up in Lisse where she com- pleted pre-university education (VWO) in 2009. Directly after high school she applied to medical school for which she was not accepted. To enhance her mathematical skills she studied Econometrics and Operational Research at the Vrije Univer- siteit in Amsterdam. After she successfully finished her first year and met the father of her daughter, she successfully applied for the second time for medical school. In 2010 she started medical school at the University of Amsterdam. Here she obtained her master’s degree with honors in 2017. After a scientific internship on the intensive care, she decided that obtaining a PhD degree would be the next goal after her medical degree. In 2017 she started as PhD student at Sanquin Research and Landsteiner Laboratory in Amsterdam and at the department of Intensive Care Medicine at the Amsterdam University Medical Centers, location AMC. The results of this research are described in this thesis. The progress of her thesis was delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. During the COVID-19 pandemic Sanne started with her post-doc on COVID-19 research. Currently she is working as a physician on the department of internal medicine in the Sint Antonius hospital in Nieuwegein.