Sanne de Bruin

238 PHD portfolio Attendance annual congres of the American Association of Blood Banks AABB, San Antonio, United States of America 2019 0,75 Teaching Bachelor student, medical natural sciences, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam 2018 1 Research internship (Medicine), University of Amsterdam 2019 1 Research internship (Medicine), University of Amsterdam 2019 1 Research internship (Master of Pathology, Immunology and Hematology), Ismailia blood transfusion Services Center Egypt 2019 1 Other activities Screen service clinical studies intensive care unit AMC 2017-2019 24 Intensive Care Research Meeting (weekly) 2017-2021 12 Intensive Care Journal Club (monthly) 2017-2021 4 Laboratory of Experimental Intensive Care and Anesthesiology (LEICA) research meeting (weekly) 2017-2021 12 Sanquin research meeting (weekly) 2017-2019 12 Product Proces Ontwikkeling research meeting (monthly) 2017-2019 4