Sanne de Bruin

29 Transfusion practice in the non-bleeding critically ill; an international online survey – The TRACE Survey only regions where at least ten respondents were working were taken into account because they may not accurately represent the transfusion practice across their region. All tests were two sided. A p-value <0.05 was considered to be statistically significant. Statistical tests were performed with R studio (2018, 3.5.1, Vienna). Results Demographics The survey was open for 6 months (June 2018 to November 2018). Of the 947 received surveys, 769 were complete, of these 44 were excluded because the respondents did not fulfil study inclusion criteria (i.e. non-physician, or pediatric ICU physician). The re- maining 725 completed surveys (representing 69 countries) were included in the study. The majority of the participants practiced ICU in Europe (76%) (Additional file 1, figure S1). Background specialties were mainly anaesthesiology (62%) and internal medicine (20%), other demographics are shown in table 1. Table.1 Respondents demographics Demographics No. of respondents (%) Certification level Intensivist 589 (81) Resident, specialist in training 53 (7) Specialist, non-intensivist practicing ICU 73 (10) Other 10 (1) Primary medical specialty Anaesthesiology 450 (62) Cardiology 18 (2) Internal medicine 144 (20) Neurology 4 (1) Pulmonology 25 (3) Surgery 15 (2) Other 67 (10) Type of intensive care unit (ICU) Medical ICU 63 (9) Surgical ICU 536 (74) Mixed ICU 110 (15) Other 16 (2) Number of ICU beds <10 209 (29) 2