Sanne de Bruin

32 Chapter 2 blood sampling was the most common intervention (23%), followed by microtube sam- pling (13%). Computerized decision support was used by only 2% of the respondents Figure 2. The use transfusion triggers in addition to a haemoglobin threshold. Platelet transfusion In non-bleeding patients undergoing an invasive procedure, respondents would trans- fuse patients at a platelet count of 20x10 9 cells/L (10-25). Platelet concentrates were transfused at higher platelet counts prior an invasive procedure (p<0.001). Respondents would transfuse at a platelet count of 40x10 9 cells/L (20-50) prior to central venous catheter (CVC) placement, 50 x10 9 cells/L (50-75) prior to tracheotomy, 50x10 9 cells/L (50-80) prior to general surgery, and 100x10 9 cells/L (70-100) prior to neurosurgery. When transfusing a PLT concentrate, 18% of the respondents never re-evaluate the platelet count before transfusing a second unit.